Project-hit will get jobs in Gondegaon, Ghatrohana extended scheme project, assures D Mallikarjun Reddy

Nagpur: The project affected will be given jobs in the new extended scheme of Gondegaon and Ghatrohana near here informed MLA D Mallikarjun Reddy while addressing a press conference. It my be mentioned that the WCL had acquired the land of...

by Nagpur Today | Published 7 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

Project-hit will get jobs in Gondegaon, Ghatrohana extended scheme project, assures D Mallikarjun Reddy

Nagpur: The project affected will be given jobs in the new extended scheme of Gondegaon and Ghatrohana near here informed MLA D Mallikarjun Reddy while addressing a press conference. It my be mentioned that the WCL had acquired the land of...