Published On : Tue, Oct 16th, 2018

Chandrapur doc discovers epidural syringe costing 5 times less than imported one


Nagpur: In this tech savvy world where the technology is going places and medical science is advancing in the new age, the cost of treatments and equipments is also rising. Dr Sunil Dixit an anaesthesiologist at Chandrapur who is also known as Vidarbha’s own Epidural Syringe man has invented a cost effective AutoDetect epidural syringes for patients.

Dr Dixit who has been practicing since last 26 years noticed that the imported AutoDetect epidural syringes were very helpful to anaesthetists in correctly delivering anasthesia in epidural space however the cost of these syringes are high which could cost up to Rs 5,000.

This is what prompted him to develop a low cost version of the same.


Dr Dixit talked about his design in a press conference organised at Orange City Hospital & Research Institute. He informed that “the imported epidural syringes are helpful although the cost is high due to which some sections of the society find it difficult to buy. “I have modified and redesigned the existing LOR syringes into AutoDetect epidural syringes by using rubber bands.The new design is cost effective with Rs 1,000 and will be easily available”, he added.

Dr Dixit has successfully used the technique multiple times while treating his patients. He had also put up this simple innovative technique at the recent Maharashtra Anaesthesiology Conference held at Shirdi.
Orange City Hospital and Research Institute (OCHRI) honoured Dr Sunil Dixit to commemorate World Anaesthesia Day on October 16.