WHO confirms three Zika virus cases in Ahmedabad, 1st in the country
Ahmedabad: The World Health Organization confirmed the first three cases of Zika virus in India, as having been reported from Ahmedabad, which includes a pregnant lady tested this January. All the cases are from the Bapunagar area of the city. Confirming...
The Mosquito Menace: How to win over our collective failure
Representational Pic Nagpur: Napoleon Hill once said, “Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” It’s time for all of us to convert our biggest failure of controlling the mosquito menace into success. We must...
ZIKA virus terror: a public health emergency of international concern!!!
Nagpur: ZIKA virus has spread terror in the whole world. It spreads by bite of infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes which are active during the day. This virus is a member of Flaviviradae virus family. This Virus are a known pathogenic...