SNG, DKM reach finals of women’s basketball tournament
Nagpur: SNG and DKM won the semifinals of Mahila basketball tournament held at SNG grounds in the morning session. In first semifinal SNG beat SKS (51-44) (12-10, 14-12, 12-13, 13-10) Dhwiti Sanghani scored 18 points and Rucha Aurangabadkar scored 10...
SNG, DKM reach finals of women’s basketball tournament
Nagpur: SNG and DKM won the semifinals of Mahila basketball tournament held at SNG grounds in the morning session. In first semifinal SNG beat SKS (51-44) (12-10, 14-12, 12-13, 13-10) Dhwiti Sanghani scored 18 points and Rucha Aurangabadkar scored 10...