Body of 12-yr old boy found floating in Sonegaon Lake

Nagpur: Body of a 12-year old boy was found floating in Sonegaon Lake on Thursday night. The deceased, Vineet Vinesh Nikhade, resident of Shivnagar, Khamla Sindhi Colony, probably drowned while swimming or playing at the lake along with his friends. A...

by Nagpur Today | Published 7 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Monday, May 7th, 2018

सोनेगाव तलावाच्या सौंदर्यीकरणासंदर्भात लवकरच बैठक

नागपूर: सोनेगाव तलावाच्या सौंदर्यीकरणासंदर्भात कायदेशीर बाबी तपासून लवकरच निर्णय घेण्यात येईल. त्यादृष्टीने आज (ता. ७) महापौर नंदा जिचकार आणि आयुक्त वीरेंद्र सिंह यांनी सोनेगाव तलावाची पाहणी केली. यावेळी सत्तापक्ष नेते संदीप जोशी, लक्ष्मीनगर झोनचे सभापती प्रकाश भोयर, अग्निशमन व...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

HC to hear Sonegaon Lake TDR case post summer vacation

Nagpur: As the state government failed to submit its report on Sonegaon Lake TDR (Transfer of Development Rights), to the Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court, the court has now decided to hear the petition after summer vacation. Judges BP...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, April 5th, 2018

मौसेरे भाई ने ही मासूम भाई को उतारा मौत के घाट

नागपुर: बीते आठ दिनों से लापता 8 वर्षीय बालक वंश ओमप्रकाश यादव का शव गुरुवार को सोनेगांव तालाब से बरामद हुआ। वंश के शव को बोरे में भरकर तालाब में फेंका गया था। दिल दहला देने वाली इस घटना में...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, April 5th, 2018

नागपुरात चिमुकल्याचे अपहरण करून हत्या; सोनेगाव तलावात मिळाला मृतदेह

नागपूर : गेल्या दहा दिवसांपासून बेपत्ता असलेल्या चिमुकल्याचा मृतदेह पोत्यात मिळाल्याने शहरात खळबळ उडाली आहे. वंश ओमप्रकाश यादव (वय ८ वर्षे) असे मृत बालकाचे नाव आहे. तो प्रतापनगर पोलीस ठाण्याच्या हद्दीतील खामल्यात राहत होता. त्याचे अपहरण करणाऱ्याने ही हत्या केली...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, April 5th, 2018

7 year old missing boy found dead in Sonegaon lake

Nagpur: A 7 year old boy from Khamla who has been missing for the last eight days was found dead in Sonegaon lake on Thursday. ​According to sources ​​the decomposed body ​of Vansh Ompraksh Yadav, 7, a resident of Khamla,...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, March 29th, 2018

Sonegaon Lake depicts a different image even as harsh summer grips city

Nagpur: The setting in harsh summer notwithstanding, the Sonegaon Lake, which used to go dry every year, is depicting a different picture this year. The water level is soothing to the eyes of local residents. The water level at the...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, February 8th, 2018

HC orders State to decide change of user within 2 months

Nagpur: Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court on Wednesday ordered the State government to decide within two months on change of users of Sonegaon lake. It also directed the State Urban Development Secretary to grant hearing to all the parties...

By Nagpur Today On Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

HC stays changing of nature of work of Sonegaon lake

Nagpur: Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court has stayed changing the nature of work of Sonegaon lake started by Nagpur Municipal Corporations. After the decision of two member bench consisting of Justice Bhushan Dharmadhikari and Swapna Joshi the NMC will...

By Nagpur Today On Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

सोनेगांव तालाब का नेचर ऑफ़ वर्क बदलने प्रक्रिया पर हाईकोर्ट का स्टे

नागपुर: सोनेगांव तालाब का नेचर ऑफ़ वर्क बदलने की नागपुर महानगर पालिका द्वारा शुरू प्रक्रिया पर हाईकोर्ट ने स्टे लगा दिया है। मुंबई उच्च न्यायालय की नागपुर खंडपीठ की जस्टिस भूषण धर्माधिकारी और स्वप्ना जोशी की दोहरी पीठ के इस...

By Nagpur Today On Sunday, November 12th, 2017

High Court rules Sonegaon lake no more a private property

Nagpur: The Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court has ruled that Sonegaon lake is no more a private property. Now, the lake spread in 16.42 hectares has virtually come under the possession of the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC), bearing fruit...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, August 21st, 2017

Body of Ashram girl found floating in well in Sonegaon

Nagpur: Body of a young girl was found floating in a well of an Ashram in Sonegaon area here on Sunday evening triggering a round of speculations. The deceased Priyadarshana Jagdish Sushir (22) was residing in Pachlegaonkar Ashram coming under...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, May 29th, 2017

4600 truck load of silt removed from Sonegaon Lake: Joshi

Nagpur: The South-West Nagpur unit of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that undertook a week-long desilting drive to clean Sonegaon Lake to mark 60th birthday of Union Minister for Road, Transport, Shipping Nitin Gadkari has removed 4600 truck load of silt...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, May 22nd, 2017

सोनेगांव तालाब से निकाला गया 300 टन कीचड़

नागपुर: केंद्रीय मंत्री नितिन गड़करी को जन्मदिन के तोहफ़े के रूप में पार्टी कार्यकर्त्ता उन्हें साफ़ सुथरा तालाब भेंट करने वाले है। दक्षिण-पश्चिम विधानसभा क्षेत्र में आने वाले जर्जर सोनेगांव तालाब को पुनर्जीवित करने का संकल्प कार्यकर्ताओं ने किया है।...

By Nagpur Today On Saturday, May 13th, 2017

7.19 करोड़ खर्च करने के बाद भी अप्रैल माह में सूख गया सोनेगांव और पांढराबोड़ी तालाब

नागपुर: सोनेगांव तालाब और पांढराबोड़ी तालाब के पुनरुत्थान के लिए राज्य सरकार और नागपुर महानगर पालिका की ओर से 7 करोड़ 19 लाख रुपए की निधि खर्च करने के बाद भी दोनों तालाब अप्रैल महीना शुरू होते ही सूख चुके हैं....

By Nagpur Today On Friday, March 17th, 2017

NMC to acquire Sonegaon lake after Govt’s nod

Nagpur: Can a lake be a private property? The Maharashtra government's urban development department has an answer to it. On Wednesday the department clarified that the 16.42 hectare Sonegaon lake cannot be a private property and instead gave its nod...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, May 16th, 2016

Urgent need to clean water-bodies to allay water shortage

Civic authorities need to clean-up water bodies Nagpur: There are as many as 6 major water bodies in the city. These water bodies include Gorewada Lake, Gandhi Sagar Lake, Sakkardara Lake, Sonegaon Lake, Futala Lake and Ambazhari Lake. During monsoons, almost all...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, September 24th, 2015

Traffic on Ganesh idol immersion days to be regulated at various places in city

Nagpur: Police Department in the city through a notification, signed by Joint Police Commissioner Rajvardhan, has undertaken a massive exercise to regulate traffic for the immersion of Ganesh idols. The traffic moving in the direction of Futala Lake, Gandhisagar, Naik...

By Nagpur Today On Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Serpents rescued safely at Sonegaon Lake; Mission captured in pictures

Nagpur News. That the citizens of Nagpur have special affinity towards the wild life has been proven time and again and Wednesday morning at Sonegaon Lake was no exception. While this could be tagged as one of the major rescue operation...