In Video: The majestic ‘Ring of Fire’ solar eclipse visible in the Sky of Nagpur

Nagpur: People across the world, especially in India, started posting photos of the solar eclipse on social media this morning once the planetary event became visible from their cities. Our Cameraperson Sandeep Gurghate and Rajesh Jagdhane captured the the dramatic "ring...

by Nagpur Today | Published 5 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Sunday, June 21st, 2020

In Video: The majestic ‘Ring of Fire’ solar eclipse visible in the Sky of Nagpur

Nagpur: People across the world, especially in India, started posting photos of the solar eclipse on social media this morning once the planetary event became visible from their cities. Our Cameraperson Sandeep Gurghate and Rajesh Jagdhane captured the the dramatic "ring...