Bifurcate Valley to house Pandits, nationalist forces: Panun Kashmir

Srinagar: An organisation of Kashmiri Pandits has demanded the "bifurcation" of Kashmir to carve out a separate homeland for displaced "Pandits and nationalist forces" as it termed the Valley as an "ungoverned region". "Kashmir Valley has virtually become an ungoverned area....

by Nagpur Today | Published 8 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Saturday, April 15th, 2017

Bifurcate Valley to house Pandits, nationalist forces: Panun Kashmir

Srinagar: An organisation of Kashmiri Pandits has demanded the "bifurcation" of Kashmir to carve out a separate homeland for displaced "Pandits and nationalist forces" as it termed the Valley as an "ungoverned region". "Kashmir Valley has virtually become an ungoverned area....